Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Please HELP!

Charitable request to benefit the Steubs family:

Dustin, Savannah, Madison, Danielle, Dyantae, Hannah & Jacob
Parents Jason and Christina

When: Saturday, August 2, 2008 11 AM to 3 PM
Where: Mariah’s Restaurant, 3317 Robbins Road

In an attempt to assist this family with the unexpected expenses related to the tragic loss of their son and daughter in a weather related accident in July, 2008 we are respectfully requesting a donation from you and/or your company. All auction donations will be auctioned to the highest bidder on the event date.

Community outpouring and support for the Steubs family has been tremendous and we anticipate that all auction items will bring significantly higher donations than their dollar amount. Checks if preferred can be made payable to The Steubs Family Benefit.

Please deliver all donations to Lift and Firm Day Spa, Sue Hines, 3223 Meadowbrook Road, Suite B, Springfield, Illinois 62711 before noon on Friday, August 1, 2008.

Contact person for auction donations plus all monetary donations:
Sue Hines 217-793-9870 or

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